Minutes Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

April 15, 2012

In Attendance: Bill Durland, Genie Durland, Sarah Callbeck, Kathy Ginger Morgan (clerk), Lisa Lister, Joyce Doyle, Julie Brann, Carlton Gamer, Molly Wingate, Jeremy Nelson

  1. Open Worship in Silence

  2. Approval of March minutes

    March minutes approved with special meeting minutes for next

  3. Financial Reports

    Cash flow report, \$4,782.00 in checking account, balance \$7,008.19. Snap-shot picture at this time is that accounts posed to purchase. Escrow extra added back in April. At the March, \$25,767.00 total funds can be reserved for prudent reserves and cash for renovation as discussed.

    Molly express a deep gratitude that someone beside her is dealing with these reports.

  4. Committee Reports

    a. Finance Committee Report Total yearly assessment membership for IMYM is \$40 and not \$35, difference is \$80.00 which Lisa will send out. \$7 for Colorado Regional and \$40 for IMYM per member.

    Nine Friends are planning to attend IMYM gathering, each adult
    will receive \$100 and \$75 per child for \$825.00 total.
    Mountain Friends Camp, two young friends from the meeting are
    likely to attend the camp. \$1000 shortfall in their current ,
    [Finance Committee](/committees/Finance/) recommends that the
    meeting make this an annual contribution. Also, [Finance
    Committee](/committees/Finance/) recommends that the meeting
    immediately of \$100.
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) recommends that we respond to
    MFC for immediate contribution sense of meeting with
    recommendations. We'll deal with annual contribution with
    further MFC queries.
    Mortgage payment options, the Meeting wants to have no less than
    \$10,00 available for use as a liquid prudent reserves. We have
    a smaller amount of reserve money in Friends Fiduciary, which is
    not quickly available).
    [Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/) has been in discussion with
    [Brian Murphy](/Friends/BrianMurphy/) about whether it is worth
    the trouble, time, money, and paperwork for utility bill as a
    non-profit. Report accepted with graditute to Sarah, Ann
    recommends that the Meeting

    b. Nominating Committee The committee going about trying to fill positions that are coming up now or in the near future. Bill notes that people on the nominating committee could be one committee.

    c. Ministry and Oversight Committee Census and director put together formal census sent to IMYM yearly monthly, IMYM has request certain categories for census. Jeremy is converting directory to electronic format. Bill hasn't dealt with address, some entries may not have telephone, numbers, and address for correct information. People correct own information or are aware that some information is incorrect for some else.

    The advantage of this , thanks for [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/)
    in compiling, [Jeremy](/Friends/JeremyNelson/), IMYM wants it
    out by end of April.
    Last two months have been very active for the past two months.
    The question about [Tup](/Friends/TupRoberts/) and
    [Dede](/Friends/Dede) memorial , no affirmative request from
    family for the Meeting for formal memorial.
    [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/) asks if Meeting would
    have own memorial, inquiry to what is the right thing to do?
    [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) would like to have a memorial,
    she feels that enough time has past, maybe a Sunday in May or
    June about an event. More relatives are coming in June,
    [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) and
    [Martha](/Friends/MarthaLutz/) will plan this event.
    [Adult Education and Social Action
    Committee](/committees/AdultEducationAndAction/) entire
    [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/) and
    [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/). [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/)
    research IMYM Adult Education and Social Action, not much
    available on Adult Education but a lot on social action.
    Mission Statement - [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) read proposed
    Mission for [Adult Education and Social Action
    Committee](/committees/AdultEducationAndAction/) to [Business
    Meeting](/meetings/Business) . Will coordinate with YF
    education. [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) most meeting have a
    standard Peace and Social Concerns with other meetings. Part of
    what this committee takes on much as they of the Peace of Social
    [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) absolute happy with concerns,
    point out that YF's, coming with new website Friends with
    events, will have one place to look. Help with REA.
    [Carlton](/Friends/CarltonGamer/) excellent, raises "Do you
    engage in Meeting or Corporate Meeting\`, on website to
    establish a link to [Adult Education and Social
    Action](/committees/AdultEducationAndAction/) committee.
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) shared from her work on the
    IMYM Peace and Social concern meetings that IMYN acknowledges
    that in smaller meetings, some business is conjoined into a
    smaller committee, [Adult Education and Social
    Action](/committees/AdultEducationAndAction/) combines what in
    larger meetings would be separate Adult Education and Peace and
    Social Concerns.
    [Joyce](/Friends/JoyceDoyle/) and
    [Jeremy](/Friends/JeremyNelson/) have agreed to serve on the
    [Adult Education and Social Action
    Committee](/committees/AdultEducationAndAction/), Meeting
    accepts revised Mission statement.

    d. Meeting Home Committee Molly read the Meeting Home Report with intention to meet in new Meeting Home on May 7th.

    Question about where the mail delivered? Slot in building.
    Action items:
    1.  Laying down [Meeting Home](/committees/MeetingHome/)
        committee. Sense of meeting that it is time to lay down this
        meeting with much gradited and agreement.
    2.  Start up new [Meeting House](/committees/MeetingHouse/)
        committee, let this season until next month? How are moving
        forward with renovations and contractor.
        [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) and
        [Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/) concern about ongoing
        project, in place of [Meeting
        Home](/committees/MeetingHome/) raise up [Meeting
        House](/committees/MeetingHouse/) with old members of the
        [Meeting Home](/committees/MeetingHome/) committee. [Julie
        R.](/Friends/JulieRoten-Valdez/) would love to take up sweat
        equity, [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) take charge of
        contractors. [Martha](/Friends/MarthaLutz/) nodded for being
        [Jeremy](/Friends/JeremyNelson/) asked if the [Finance
        Committee](/committees/Finance/) should take charge of
        fund-rising? [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) really likes
        idea. Given that other members have agreed to be volunteers
        for specific reactions. Pull out fund-rising part where it
        should live and who charge [Finance
        Committee](/committees/Finance/) with what it would take.
        Friendly amendment with four parts, with the group should
        determine clerk with
        -   Maintenance and Renovation -
        -   Ground - [Martha](/Friends/MarthaLutz/)
        -   Sweat Equity - [Julie R.](/Friends/JulieRoten-Valdez/)
        -   Contractors - [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) and
        Group will meet to determine the clerk. Clerk concerned with
        current charge, his partner about there has to be some point
        a process for deciding on design and aesthetics of the new
        Meeting House. [Linda Seger](/Friends/LindaSeger/) may have
        interest and leadership on this matter. Meeting approach
        [Linda](/Friends/LindaSeger/) about leading Meeting and will
        be an unfolding as process. Carlton would be in favor of
        Linda's participation. Carlton doesn't , consulting member,
        [Linda](/Friends/LindaSeger/) a "member-at-large" and
        explore [Linda](/Friends/LindaSeger/)'s role as "ad hoc"
        member of Meeting House shepherd our process internal and
        external design and appearance of space.
        [Lisa](/Friends/LisaLister/) asks what address she should
        use for the renewal of the ad in Friends Journal and about
        the telephone update. It is due in June and starting
        [Lisa](/Friends/LisaLister/) will change the form to the
        current address.
        [Joyce](/Friends/JoyceDoyle/) asked logistical question
        about how we get from here to new meeting house curious when
        library can be moved? Sweat Equity question and coordinated.
        Wouldn't append until after May.
        [Joyce](/Friends/JoyceDoyle/) contact [Julie
        R.](/Friends/JulieRoten-Valdez/) about physical move from
        Pride center to new Meeting House. There may be things on
        [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) about donation list of other
        Sweat Equity days, a week of April 29th and 30th for work
        [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) will contact the Pride
        center about moving in May 7th. No bid yet on floors.
        [Finance Committee](/committees/Finance/) if we are able to
        do a full donation for May to Pride Center.
        [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) asked that letter with
        May's payment a formal letter that we are moving in May.
        [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) will also contact them.
        [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) mentioned that the Meeting
        House has a lock-box code and Friends can get inside using
        the code, handing behind screen.
        [Joyce](/Friends/JoyceDoyle/) encouraged to go over for
        possible locations for library and work with
        [Linda](/Friends/LindaSeger/) and look at architect report.

    e. Education Committee Committee

    For the May potluck we will be viewing the First Day video the
    Young Friends have been filming the past few months with the
    subject matter of Jesus's Miracles.

    f. Adult Education and Social Action Committee Report

    April 29th and May 13th final session.
    [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) working on sessions and events
    for next fall.

    g. Library Move of library at next work day, Joyce will inventory library after move.

  5. Old Business


  6. New Business

    a. State of Meeting Report Approval - Forgot theme of Adult Education class series, last studying "Quakers in the Bible, Introduction to Quaker History"," Quakers in History" was presented. Quaker book group read "Wisdom to Know the Difference", reading "EcoMind". Further minor changes accepted. 2012 correct date for purchase of Meeting House. Ginger will make the changes to State of Meeting Report.

    [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/) will complete this
    report next year, [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) is thanked
    for her efforts.

    b. IMYM Directory of Adult members and attenders

    If Friends don't want to be included in Directory contact
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) or
    [Jeremy](/Friends/JeremyNelson/) this week.

    c. Friends Mountain Camp Queries from IMYM

    Queries on the back, six queries. If Friends can be very
    courageous, if this is
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) read the queries.
    > 1.  Should IMYM
    > 2.  What is the yearly meeting able to do at the present? What
    >     are potential problems and fears IMYM have?
    > 3.  MFC as a separate organization
    > 4.  IMYM MFC..
    > 5.  Do monthly meeting support directly MFC or IMYM? Our
    >     meeting already directly supports MFC.
    > 6.  If MFC part of IMYM..
    > 7.  Meeting came out from IMYM Continuing Committee, improves
    >     Meeting \$10,000 additional
    [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) IMYM and Joint Services
    committee, make it a regular part of IMYM to have a fund raising
    role, MFC make a permanent standing committee of IMYM with
    Monthly Meeting representation.
    [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) we are not in the position to
    take up queries should be part of IMYM, strongly support that
    MFC be a part of IMYM. [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) took up
    [Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/) not be cut loose from IMYM so
    important to development of young friends committee. YF can be
    immersed in Quakers life.
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) would friends support for a fee
    for camp? Yes, with current model of funding with a scholarship
    or other support for YF to attend? Yes.
    It is the sense of Colorado Springs Friends MFC should be
    established as a program of IMYM and under the oversight of a
    standing committee of IMYM, (Appendices B Number 2 option).
    Colorado Springs currently supports MFC directly. Colorado
    Spring Meeting supports MFC charged with a fee with the
    understanding that scholarship or other support of YF who need
    Do Friends support a yearly \$100 donation to MFC continuing
    forward? [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) approve supporting MFC
    encourage so long as MFC is associated with IMYM. Yes.
    [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) doesn't have a lot of faith that
    IMYM will raise assessments to support MFC. We support a modest
    increase in assessment and MFC fees. IMYM raising its assessment
    to support MFC Continuing Committee recommendation of \$10,000.

    d. Resignation of Clerk

    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/)'s family moving this summer.
    The last Business for Meeting in May
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) can attend. We usually suspend
    [Business for Meeting](/meetings/Business) in June and July and
    we can't do it this year. [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) ,
    [Lisa](/Friends/LisaLister/) notes deep gratitude to
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) as her service in clerk for
    [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/) and as Clerk of our
    meeting. Quakers operate in loving and altruistic suggest to us
    and for us by other Quaker organization. Nominating committee ..
    We have a party in the new meeting house for
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) has a "holy" desire to serve as
    clerk of a meeting for worship for business in the new meeting
  7. Announcements


We ended in silence at 1:22 pm.

Respectively submitted in the light,

Jeremy Nelson

Recording Clerk