Minutes for Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Colorado Springs Friends Meeting

In attendance: Lisa Lister, clerk; Molly Wingate, recording clerk, Sarah Callbeck, Bill Durland, Genie Durland, Nancy Andrews, Carlton Gamer

  1. At 11:30, we began with silence followed by a query and an advice.

    It is in the silence that we still our hearts and minds so that the Spirit of God may enter. This silencing, this waiting in expectancy, this listening for that which is deepest within this is what Friends call worship. We seek a gathered stillness in our meetings for worship so that all may feel the power of God's love leading us and drawing us together.

    How do I prepare myself for worship? Do I set aside time during the week to strengthen my spirit? What is it that I bring to the meeting for worship?

  2. Consideration of seventh month minutes please look at the minutes online at: http://coloradospringsquakers.org/meetings/Business/2015/7

    Minutes approved

  3. Committee Reports

    1. Meetinghouse Committee

      Minutes from June accepted

      Minutes from August accepted

      Reminded that the basement has become our most expensive square footage in the building. Friends please feel free to use the space.

      Approved: Added a line in the guidelines for use of the building that says that outside groups must in line with Quaker values.

    2. Ministry and Oversight Committee

      Carlton presented the minutes from July and September which were accepted.

      In November, Lisa and Phil have offered their house for a soup and sharing for a full discussion about vocal ministry in meeting for worship.

    3. Finance Committee

      Minutes - accepted

      We are in the black, but barely. We celebrate that we weathered our emergencies at the meetinghouse and had the resources needed to fix the building. Our prudent reserve and Friends Fiduciary Account were used as they should have been. Now we will rebuild these accounts.

      Review of financial reports - accepted

      At Quaker Quest on Saturday, September 26 we will be asking for donations to cover the cost of food and to cover the cost of the workshop itself.

      ACTION ITEM: $100 to donate to national organizations

      We decided to give the following:

      Christian Peacemaker Teams - $50

      Western Friend - $50


    4. Other Committee reports

      1. First Day School- materials in the basement and organized. Friends are encouraged to familiarize themselves and be ready to help.

      2. Peace and Justice Committee-

        a. Bill Durland represented Friends at a public meeting concerning the Sit or Lie Down ordinance in Colorado Springs. The first reading of the ordinance was postponed until November.

        b. Demonstration last Saturday on noon to take in more Syrian refugees. Made the news on TV.

        c. J&P Membership breakfast 9/21 at 7:30 AM

        d. Colorado College capital punishment debate on September 30 at 7 PM

        Report accepted
      3. Nominating Committee-

        Busy but no finished report.

      4. Library

        Looking forward to working on the library in the next 6 weeks.

    5. Representative Reports

      1. AFSC liaison Genie

        Please know about the conference calls for spirited action that will continue throughout the year. Flyer on the library table. Several topics. It is a way to plug into the organization.

    6. FCNL liaison Peter

      No report.

  4. Other issues:

    Our insurance company has contacted us about employee insurance. Sarah will ask them if we could get a lower rate since we have no employees.

  5. Announcements

    QuakerQuest is next Saturday, Sept. 26 from 9-4. If you plan to attend, and have not yet Lisa know please do so to lisalister99@gmail.com. There will be a light breakfast starting at 9:00, and a lunch is also provided. Thanks to Molly, Genie and Sue for coordinating food, and to Carlton and Nancy for agreeing to be presenters. We will be asking Friends in attendance to donate to help cover food costs.

Closed in silence at 12:48